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  • Official comment
    Austin Thompson

    Hello Dyanne,
    Thank you so much for reaching out to us! In custom reporting, reports can be built by users to include desired fields and certain pre-built system reports can be modified by Admin-level users. In the IEP Student Report, there is a field available to report specifically on "Dyslexia Code" that can be included. Additionally, there is a system report titled "PEIMS- Special Education Data Report" that is pre-built to include this field.

    If you would like assistance with building or modifying a custom report to meet your needs, or would like to discuss an enhancement request or customization for the Embrace® system, we always welcome users to reach out to Embrace® support at to submit your questions! We are happy to discuss state needs for the system or customizations that districts are interested in seeing in Embrace®. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Thank you,
    Austin Thompson

  • Darlene Kelly

    Can you build just a report exactly that will show Dyslexia students that are receiving these services.   I need this for our superintendent.

  • Amanda Irwin

    Hello Darlene,
    Thank you for reaching out to us! To determine the specifics of what information you are needing on the report, we will reach out to you directly via email. Please keep an eye out for that email!

    Thank you,
    Amanda Irwin


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