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Intern Accounts




  • Official comment
    Colleen Gorazd

    Hi, Agnes, 

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us, and with a great question. To clarify, there is a DS User Type for "Speech Aide/Intern." When this user type is assigned to a provider, that user must also be assigned a supervisor. Providers with the 'Speech Aide/Intern' user type must have their Service Sheets reviewed and approved by a Supervisor in order for their documented services to be submitted for reimbursement. For more information on how Supervisors/Cosigners function within the system, please see our Knowledge Base article*,

    *Please note, you may need to log in to Embrace® and then re-click the article link in order for our Help Desk to recognize that you are logged in as a user. This gives you access to additional articles that are not available to the general public.

    If you would like further assistance with this process or have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team directly at, and we will be more than happy to answer your questions! 

    Thank you, 

    Colleen Gorazd


  • Agnes Wojtowicz

    Hi Colleen,

    Thank you for the quick reply! This information is very helpful. Do you know if this is also an option in EmbraceIEP? I don't actually use EmbraceDS. 



  • Colleen Gorazd

    Hi, Agnes, 

    You are most welcome, and I am so happy we were able to provide helpful information. At this time, there is not a way to set up a co-signer in EmbraceIEP®. Many districts, however, choose to utilize the [Submit IEP] feature, which allows teams to submit their paperwork (usually to a district Admin) for review prior to finalization of the IEP. 

    For further assistance, please contact the Embrace® support team at

    Thank you, 

    Colleen Gorazd


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