Jim Medcalf

  • Total activity 20
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Recent activity by Jim Medcalf Sort by recent activity Recent activity Votes
  • User Type


    It would be helpful to have district-specific User Types. Could just be an additional text box for district entry of details (as long as it came out on the Staff Report).

  • Accommodations Totals Report


    It would be helpful if the Grade selection in the pop-up filter options allowed for multi-select (in order to run the report for just the grades that would be taking the test).

  • Indicator 11

    It would be very helpful for Student Info to: A) Indicate the number of school days between Initial Evaluation Consent and Initial Eligibility Determination Completed. B) Have a dropdown of the sta...

  • User Notifications

    It would be nice for individual users to have the capability to subscribe themselves to notifications (in addition to admin control over notification settings). With over 1,000 users across 50+ sit...

  • Hide / Delete Multiple Forms

    It would be handy to be able to hide and/or delete multiple forms within an event at once (similar to how multiple forms can be added at once).

  • Navigation


    When in Users (Add/Edit), the navigation headers are available to quickly jump to different programs / areas.  The same functionality when in Students (Add/Edit) would be appreciated.

  • Staff Report Export


    It would be extremely helpful to be able to export the Staff Report.  I'd really like that report to be more dynamic / detailed, as well, but I'd take being able to export to Excel or CSV to manipu...

  • Attachments to FBA/BIP


    We use a lot of data / charts in our FBA / BIPs.  It would be helpful to be able to attach those to individual sections (like present levels, etc.) rather than to the entire document.

  • Student Data Mismatch Management

    It would be nice to have an option to accept changes that automatically brings in the changes from the SFTP without having to individually update students.